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Decrypt for iManage

Tiger Eye Decrypt decrypts emails stored within iManage so that content is visible to all staff working on the same matter or case.

Tiger Eye Decrypt for iManage

Email encryption is increasingly being used – especially in the legal sector – however encrypted emails cannot be effectively decrypted for groups without the right tool at hand. This can make collaborating on client work difficult, which can lead to inefficient processes.

Tiger Eye Decrypt decrypts emails stored within iManage so that content is visible to all staff working on the same matter or case. Using a firm’s pre-set iManage permissions,  Tiger Eye Decrypt automatically decrypts emails stored within a given matter or case so that all iManage users with access rights to the store are able to see the email’s contents.

This ensures that email content is always accessible to those who need it, mitigating the risk of decrypted emails being siloed to one point of contact.




Product Features

  • Streamlines the workflow of collaborating on secure emails
  • Enables all relevant iManage users to see decrypted emails without manual decryption
  • Simple process for marking items for decryption with customisable and configurable iManage metadata options
  • The ability to decrypt emails on a one-by-one basis, or in bulk via decryptions marked on a folder or workspace level
  • Instant decryptions or decryptions processed via the system’s regular run cycle
Learn more

Contact our team for a personal Tiger Eye Decrypt demo